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"It's Getting Late"
It's getting late, it's too much to bear,
It's getting late, does anyone care?
Prophets Among You
Prophets are among you, but you don't recognize them because they don't speak with big intellectual words.
All In A Chip
In my lifetime, all I have known was computer access for everything, and it is upgrading as soon as I finally learn the latest program or so
God Heals Furbabies
That day, the family
called me because they were in need of prayer. When I came
over, everyone looked fine to me, so who was the prayer for?
Volcano of Fire and Water
In December 2001, I had a dream about a place up in the
mountains. One mountain spewed fire and the other spewed
water, like volcanoes.
Miracle Ear
We were on one of the Islands off of Panama when we were invited to eat dinner with the Pastor and his wife.
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