Here are some Ministry or Church contacts that I either support, follow, or am a part of. If you have a Christian Ministry, Church, Organization, or Christian Business, please let me know, I can help promote for FREE!
Ministry Highlight:
Living Word Radio - Kathleen Kasper
DIGGING DEEPER - Genesis 1 - 11 by Kathleen Kasper
Solomon wrote, 'That which has been is what will be, that which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun' (Ecclesiastes 1:9 NKJV). His words are true. This book is a testament to the insights God has given to many people who have dug deeper into Genesis 1-11. They can only be described as stunning!
Kathleen Kasper has served the Lord of the Church as pastor and teacher in Nebraska and Wisconsin. She presently resides and serves Him in Texas. In 2016, beginning with Genesis 1:1, she began "blogging through the Bible." Her desire was to 'dig deeper' into God's Word. She has learned what many others have taught. God's Word cannot be quickly read. The treasure God would have us discover is found as each word and phrase is thoughtfully pondered. 'Digging Deeper into Genesis 1-11' presents what the Lord has shown her thus far. There is still much more to be discovered in these chapters and in those which follow them. God is so very amazing!"
Kathleen's website is www.livingwordradio.org.