It is through the name of Jesus and Him alone that we can stand and tell of what the Lord had, has, and will continue to do. It was not thorough my name, the name of the ministers, the name of my church, the name of my friends, the name of my family, the name of my abilities, the name of my religion, the name of my social status, the name of my financial status, the name of my nation, etc.
It was in the name of Jesus that saved me from hell. It is through the blood of Jesus and him alone that we can stand and tell of what the LORD had, has, and will continue to do. It was not my blood, the blood of ministers, the blood of my church, the blood of my religion, the blood of my social status, the blood of my financial status, the blood of my nation, etc. It was in the blood of Jesus that washed me clean from sin.

Thank the Lord for the precious blood that was shed for us. Thank Him that our destiny would be as God planned it from the beginning, for us to be with Him for Eternity. True, He cannot and should not have to shed His blood repeatedly for the redemption of our sins. The blood of Jesus was shed finally for the redemption of our sinful nature and the consequences sin brings death. We are saved by grace to keep from entering into an eternal death. We are not saved just to be saved from hell.
So why do we keep sinning?
Do we like being God’s enemy?
Do we think we will talk our way out of the judgment of God?
On the last day, let us be found about Our Father’s business for His Kingdom.